Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Venezuela : When Arseconomy Matters

Venezuela : When TISSUE paper to wipe your arse becomes more important than the strength of local economy and country.

George Cicceriello Mohe who teaches political science at Drexel university in Philadelphia in an interview to democracy now warned of recent tendency of social media and tweeters. The tweeters retweet every time they see protestors on the street with sympathy, without necessarily knowing what the story was.

He said that opposition took advantage of student mobilisations to oust a democratically elected government, raising issues of insecurity and economic difficulties. These economic dificulties whch are there but had been severed by Obama government. Obama government continues to fund the opposition more openly than the Bush regime, inspite of their violent means of action.

According to him, to destroy the economy is the preparation for the government being overthrown. This distraction of protest is actually limited to the wealthiest areas of Carcas, which is like Beverly hills . They were crying out for not having a tissue paper to buy from the super market, when the government was trying to become self sufficient trying to push local economy against all odds of economic sanctions from US.

But Venezuelean reolutionary movement was never about Chavez or now Maduro, not of individual. It is about millions of Venezueleans who are building a better democracy, a deeper and direct democracy, who are building social movements and organization and workers councils, student council and peasant council and local communes. And ,they are defending their governement.

The protestors who were mainly students came from the university who exclude poorer students. The government’s new bus system offering clean and safer travel at low prices were attacked and 50 of them were torched in one day. The Bolivarian university, offering high education to people excluded from the university system was besieged.

During the same time Washington post higlighted a left leaning moderate Leopoldo Lopez, a 42 yr old graduate from harvard, who actually represents the far right wing of the Venezuelean political spectrum. He was representative of traditional political class, actually a descended of first pesident of Mexico that was displaced when the Bolivarian revolution came to power. He is representation of the intersection of corruption and US intervention in true terms. And this guy was the leader of the opposition against Maduro inciting violence.

Studies produced by well-funded NGOs (usually with ties to powerful states) have been regularly cited by the western corporate media to paint a grim picture of the country. They over represent the problem which do exist and under represent the success of government bringing down the poverty level and increasing human development index.

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