Thu. Jan 30th, 2025

The President 2016: Democrat, Bernie Sanders !!

Bernie Sanders
The President 2016 : Democrat, Bernie Sanders!!

Bernie SandersNovember Print Issue


A 74 year old grandfather is attracting thousands of Students, Workers and Women

“In my view now is the time for developing a serious and effective starategy to destroy ISIS. Now is not the time for cheap political talk or trying to take advantage of this difficult moment.Now is the time, to unite the world in an organised campaign by bringing together all the countries – even with countries we have disageement with. Along with Russia and the muslim countries who are today face to face with ISIS. What we need is international coalition include Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Turkey.

What terrorism is about? Trying to instigate fear and terror in the people, into the hearts of the people. We will not let this happen. As Americans we will not be terrorised and we will not live in fear. I am disturbed with what I have been hearing from Republican colleagues.

During this difficult times, we will not succumb to racism, we will not allow ourselves to be divided and succumb to islamophobia. And when hundreds of people have lost everything but left with only shirts on the back, we will not turn our back to the refugees from Syria and Afganistan. We will do what we will
do best. Fighting racism, xenophobia, fighting fear.

We will learn the lessons from history. Back in 2002, we had a president, called President Bush. You remember President bush. He was very very tough, but not very smart. He and Dick Cheney and whole lot of them were tough. and they said we should invade Iraq. And we should do it alone. That has resulted in
loss of many lives of Americans as well as Iraqis. It has caused huge instability in the region and we are paying today the price for that instability and chaos.

I have to tell my republican colleagues, we have got to be tough but not stupid. Yes we need to create a world wide coalition to defeat ISIS.

Yes we will lead the world in defeating ISIS, but yes at the same time we will rebuild the disappearing middle class of this country. We are a great nation and we can accomplish both the goals.

About 6 month ago we began this campaign with no money- no organisation. We have come a long way in six and half months. We have brought about 300,000 to rallies like this all over America. We have hundreds of volunteers in the state all over the country. And when the pundits said you can’t run it without the money from billionaires, without a super pact.We are doing it without a super pact. I am very proud to say that. We have 800 thousand individual contribution. This is first campaign in the history of America to raise this much amount of money through individual campaign.. Our campaign is people’s campaign. We don’t want Wall Street money. We don’t want corporate money. We will win this on our own.

This country is facing some enormous problems and American people are catching on that establishment politics and establishmnet economics is not going to solve the problem. What American people also understand is that at the time when wall street or corporate America have enormous power, we are left. This campaign is not about election, is about creating political revolution. What that means is not complicated.

In last election 63% of people did not vote. Most of the lower income group did not vote. What our job is and it is not an easy job. Our job is to reach out is to bring out people together. Asian American, Hispanic, Asian, Gay and Straight, Men and Women, people who were born in this country, people who immigrated to this country because when we allow them to divide us, we lose. We are the vast majority of the people in this country and when we come together we can deafeat people with all of the money and all of the power

One of the best compliment I have received is came from the guy, from somewhere in the west coast. He said Bernie, you are treating us like we are intelligent people.

This campaign is not about me telling all kind of jokes. I simply lay on the table most serious issues facing in our country. Some of you may agree, some of you may not but that is what democracy is about.

Democracy is about, is pretty simple, it is about talking about issues, repectfully with each other.Rememeber every problem we face is caused by human decisions, every problem that we face can be overcome by better decisions.

I am happy, more and more people discussing, that is the issue about the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality that exist in America today. Plain and simple. in the United States today we have more income and wealth inequality than almost in any other country, since 1928. Today in america, the top 1/10 th of 1%, not 1%, 1/10 th of 1% owns as much as the bottom 90%. One family, Walden family of Walmart, owns more weath than bottom 40% of the American peeople.

You have got people working in two or three jobs, husband is working , wife is working. And yet today in America 58% of all new income, is going to top 1 %. This campaign is about making economy that works for all of us and not just millionaries and billionaries.

This campaign is sending a simple and straight message to the billionaire class. In America, when people have power, the billionaire class will not have it all. The billionaires class will not get huge tax breaks, when children in America go hungry. They will not continue to send us job in china, when millions are jobless here. They will not continue giving huge compensation packages to CEO, when they cut the wages, the pensions and healthcare.

For high school graduates unemployment rates accroding to race is white 33%, hispanic 37%, afro-American 53%.And when they are unemployed bad things starts to happen. And if anybody think there is no correlation between unemplyment and youth ending up in jail, they are wrong. So maybe instead of investing in jail and incarceration we should invest in jobs and education. Instead of spending 80 billion dollar on people to lock out why can’t we spend on education. It costs less to spend on someone to put in jail than to put him in college.

There is no rationale why women are paid 75 cents to dollar comapred to men. It is sexism and not acceptable. What they (republicans)mean by family values? No women should have right to control their body. I disagree.That our gay brothers and sisters don’t have rights to get married. I disagree. I believe in family value. USA does not guarantee paid family and maternity leave. It is not the family value to tell a mother to go back to work after a month she had a child. I want to guarantee three months of family leave.

I will lead the effort to end the TPP corporate partnerships. Whether Corporate America likes it or not they have to start creating jobs here in America and not in China and Vietnam.

When we use these words like greed, fraud and dishonesty and arrogance these are few of the
adjectives to describe WALL STREET.

The greed and recklessness of the Wall Street led to loss of million of jobs. We need a banking system which is part of the productive economy, which can provide affordable loans, small and medium enterprise loans to provide jobs. Six largest financial banks have assests equivalent 58% GDP . 2/3rd of the credit card, 1/3rd of the mortgages. When you have such financial powerful institution having political and economical power, the state hardly exists.

When we tried to regulate it, Wall Street spent 5 billion dollar campaign lobby against the regulation. Signing super pact with democrats and republicans. We need to end this. Establish glass steagall and break this huge banks. If a financial institution is too big to fail it is too big to exist. I find it interesting not one CEO has a criminal record but hundreds of American in jail because of marijuana.

We should not be in country where there should be bank to big to fail and bankers too big to jail.

We are going to make public university education free. Any kid irrespective of family background can make it to top. Wall street came begging to us, the congress, when their greed and recklessness made them bankrupt. We bailed them out. Now it is their turn to bail middle class out, students out.”

(A part of his speech in Cleveland, Ohio. Video link:

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