Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Tamilnadu farmers: Ematraath Emaatrath madyaarase Ematarathe( Central government please don’t cheat us)

tamilnadu farmer
tamilnadu farmer
Photo from

Nabeela Paniyath

Ematraath Emaatrath madyaarase Ematarathe( Central government please don’t cheat us), slogans comes along with the intense grief inside the mind. Here the heart melting protest of Tamil Farmers in janatar mantar are yet to hear the government. The false promise of Modi government has constantly questioned by the common people, where the government’s policies have been failed to achieve its promises. Is he the greatest magician who manipulated things in front of the public ? Or it just comes from being in power ?

Tamil farmers protest is one among the sporadic ways of protesting for rights. They have taken bizarre method of protest akin skull protest, urine drinking, eat faeces etc. The tragic reality which made them to go for such oddest things should be in the concerns of the government. Demanding the waiver of their loan and drought relief are demanded after a long resilience against the nature and their own state government. They are searching for every possible method to portray their plight to the government. “Please don’t kill us.. What is the big deal in resolving our issues, The government knows how to waive the loans of rich people” one of the protester Palaniyappa expressed his grief. For them every moment in Jantar Mantar is precious they came all the way from Tamilnadu till here to gain something that they could achieve through their protest.

The farmers protesting in all the possible way with the hope of getting something in return from the so called elected democracy. Perhaps this could be one of the greatest failure of Modi government. Pradhan mantri Fasal Bhima Yojana (The new Crop Insurance Scheme is in line with One Nation – One Scheme theme) has been proven as another mask or false promise of the state. The farmers are protesting to demand a drought relief package of Rs 40,000 core, farm loan waiver and setting up of Cauvery Management Board by the Centre. Though they are facing scarcity in basic needs such as lack of enough water, therefore nothing astonishing in their act of urine drinking. Apart from the media attention there is no single accurate response from the government. The shrewdness of government in overlook the issue should pave path for more protests and solidarity.

The predicament of the farmers are normal things in Modi’s political allegory. Someone from the protester’s dress up like Modi has whipping others. But in reality the authority is doing the same to them in an indirect way. Each face of farmers reminds the untold story of starvation and hardship in a person’s life. Media and infrequent visitors will leave the place after their needs. But the massive issues which troubles these poor farmers remains as same. Yet they have some amount hope that the government will consider their issus, which is very uncertain under Modi’s regime.

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