It was 70 years ago that on the behalf of their people the member states of this organisation signed this charter. We pledged ourselves to preserve the future generation from war and build new type of relationships guided by set of principles and purposes that should bring about an era of peace and justice and development for all of humanity.
However, as from that moment there have constantly been wars of agression and interference in the internal affairs of the states.We have witnessed ousting of sovereign government by force and recolonisation of territories. And all of these upgraded with new ingenious action, employing new technologies and on to the pretext of alleged human right violation.
The militarisation of cyber space and the covert and illegal use of information and communication technologies to attack other nation is unacceptable and so do the distortion of the advancement and protection of human rights used with the selected and discriminatory approach to validate and impose political decisions.
Despite the fact that the charter calls us to reaffirm faith in fundamental, the human rights and dignity of people, to millions of people the fulfillment of human rights remains utopia. Humanity is denied the right to live in peace and the right to development. It is actually poverty and inequality that are cause of conflict that should be sorted out.
The commitment made in 1945 to promote social progress and better standards of life for the people along with their economic and social development remain an illusion when 795 million people go hungry, 781 million adults are illiterate and 17 thousand children perish everyday from curable diseases. In the meantime annual military expenses worldwide amount to more than 1.78 trillion dollars. Barely a fraction of that figure could actually resolve the most pressing problem of humanity.
Even in industrial nation, the welfare society which was usually presented as the moral to imitate has practically disappeared. The election system and traditional parties that rely on advertisement and money and publicity are growing increasingly detached from its people.

Climate change is threatening the very existence of human existence. State should assume common but differentiated responsibility for this reality. Not every country is equally responsible for irrational and unsustainable consumerism. The consequences of climate change have devastated effect particularly on small island nation and they bring additional tension to their fragile economies and same is happening in africa with relentless advancement of desertification. We stand in solidarity with our carribbean brothers also with african countries., in their demand of transfer of technologies and financial resources, and reparation for the slave trade.
We are against the destabilisation script enforced against on the progressive government in Latin American and express solidarity with them.We reaffirm our rejection to the intention to expand the presence of NATO upto the Russian borders as well as unilateral sanctions imposed. We welcome the nuclear agreement with Islamic republic of Iran which proves engagement and negotiation are effective tool.
With the past few weeks we have been moved by the images of waves of immigrant. This is direct result on the detstabilization actions promoted and executed by NATO in the middle east and africa as well as the poverty and under-development prevailing in african continent. The european union should take up full and immediate responsibility of the human crisis that it helped to generate.
We acknowledge the efforts have been made throughout these years but not enough is done.The UN should be saved from the unilateralism and deeply reformed to democratise it and bring it to closer to people .
As comrade Fidel Castro said:
The fundamental objective of UN in present century is to save the world from not only war but underdevelopment, hunger, poverty, diseases and the destruction to natural resources which is indispensable to human, and it should do it soon before it is too late.
The world can always look at Cuba to raise its honest voice against injustice, inequality, discrimination and manipulation and establishment of world which focuses on human being dignity and well being.
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