Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Noor Saba : Delayed Justice, petition from Uttar Pradesh to United Nation

Noor Saba at Jantar Mantar
Noor Saba at jantar mantar, Delhi
Noor Saba at jantar mantar, Delhi

Mohd Momin

Student at Delhi School of Social Work

Jantar Mantar, Delhi : With more than 3.5 crore cases pending at Indian courts, delayed Justice in India has become a common norm. Even cases delayed for 36 years also do not attract our eyes nowadays but if the wounds are deeper, the revelations will bring more pain to the system in the future. As Noor Saba case moves from education department of Uttar Pradesh government to petitions being sent to various countries and United Nation Organisation, the question for government machinery will move from delayed justice to corrupt judiciary. The major question still remains the same as to why her grievances are not redressed in last 36 years.

Noor Saba, a 74 year old widow is awaiting justice for the last 36 years since her husband, Masood Umar Khan, died due to heart attack in 1980 working as a principal in a government school. The due entitlement in terms of pension, gratuity, life insurance and provident fund has not been paid to her yet. Having knocked all the doors for justice, Noor Saba and his 43 years old son Abid Umar Khan, who was five years old at the time of death of his father, are now protesting at Jantar Mantar since Nov, 2015. The issue has also been raised in the parliament but voices are falling to deaf ears.

Noor Saba at jantar mantar, Delhi
Noor Saba at Jantar mantar, Delhi

Abid Umar Khan says that he is now drafting petition and sending them to different countries daily detailing about the gross injustice met out to them. Before the case gets highlighted at the international arena, the authorities must take into notice as to that why a common person from Rampur is required to take such drastic steps. Mr Abid also put allegations on judges of Honorable Supreme Court of India for their gross misconduct in delivering justice in order to save corrupt government officials. On the facebook page detailing the whole case in thirty eight points, the case seems to getting the increased no. of audience each day on social media.1,2,3,4

Are they paying the price for rising against a corrupt demand of paying bribe? How can a government department wipe out the whole record of its own official? There are a lot more questions that remains to be answered here but first thing first. Grievances of Noor Saba are not addressed for last 36 years and it does not seem to get redressed anytime sooner. Judiciary must rise to have people’s faith in it else the questions are bound to haunt them for long time to come.


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