Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Gadha Kahinke! Academic Modernity

No degree could eradicate caste, especially from the premier academic institutes of India, because they represent the same meritocracy structure, which pronounces one gadha. A gadha who is inefficient to work and apply brains on jobs which has no meaning, but is packed with layers of growth and advancement to modernity.

To a modernity of consumption and communication without a social value. The educational institutes depend upon the masses to fund them, to experiment on them and test their products on them. The reproduction of brahmins professors to the bahujans subjects when coupled with the neo-liberal state gives birth to spectacles and movements without questioning the basic premise of one’s dignity by birth, one’s caste.

Caste is not only a way of suffocated life, but it also breeds imagination and institution to feed the subconscious of who is powerful. The researchers, the directors and film makers constantly are in nexus to supply the demand of power of one to suppress the other, in different forms of hierarchy determining who is villian, who is subject and who is intellectual!

Who is creating the knowledge and from whom ? And who determines what is knowledge ?

The art of hiding the power structure, of making sense of daily public sphere and maintaining status quo of marginalized caste is celebrated and protested and has been converted into the institutes of
national importance: A powerful art to pump capital in the neurons to maintain caste a way, to oppress under the veil of academic modernity.

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