Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

AB Fellowship 2017

Ambedkar BhagatSingh (AB) National Media Fellowship for University Students 2017

Eight fellowship, each amounts to Rs 30,000 for ten months

About Us

The Sabha is an adless periodical which tries to reflect university student point of view,  through digital and print medium. The editor of the sabha is presently supported by Criminal Justice Fellowship programme, a field action project of TISS, Mumbai at centre for criminology and justice.


Journalism in India has freedom movement embedded in it. It was the tool used by many revolutionaries to express their dissent during the freedom struggle. We often forget the role of Bhagat Singh and Dr. B.R Ambedkar in their important intervention in print media, when they started writing not only for few but masses. To question authorities and communicate to masses they chose not only gathering/sabhas but newspaper as a medium too. While talking with depressed class, they also communicated in the language of oppressors.

At this juncture when revenue model of journalism is entirely dependent on advertisement and we see even the government selling the products on front page of newspapers, we are trying to focus on narratives which does not look human as a sole consumer, whose ultimate purpose of life is to swallow, but as thinking being who can also produce and live without causing destruction, not by competing but through collaborating.

We are listening, reading and watching to views of activists and experts from certain capital dominated region in various media platforms. Through opinion of students from various region, we want to include the diverse young thoughts.This fellowship also wants to engage students who are already thinking and writing about socio-political issues and offer them minimum support available with us.


To support university students financially and at the same time provide a platform to express their opinion on every day politics which has impact from local to global level.

Positions : One Fellow from each region

Odisha | North – J&K, Punjab, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand | Central – M.P, U.P, Chattisgarh | East– Bihar, Jharkhand, Telangana, West Bengal | North-East– Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland | West- Rajasthan, Haryana , Gujrat, Goa | South Central– Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana | South -Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Pondicherry


  • Basic English and Hindi is required. High proficiency is not needed.
  • Enrolled in University. (Mphil/Phd. students will be preferred or M.A with experience.)
  • Need to be involved for few hours everyday and weekends, as required.

Roles & Responsibility

  • To take atleast one issue from each state in the region and write an opinion based on views of students, farmers and workers. (Atleast four per month)
  • Connect with Student council/unions in the universities and colleges.
  • Coordinate with interns from the region.
  • Newsreading per week. Short Videos of 3-5 min.
  • Connect with labour unions and farmer’s collective in the region.
  • Distribute atleast 50 newsprint per month in the universities (nearby to libraries and students.)
  • Build possible collectives with workers, farmers and students.
  • Handle social media of TheSabha
  • Attend events like protests,lectures and seminars held nearby.

Fellowship Disbursement

  • Fix Rs 3000 per month for ten months.
  • Phone bills and Travel charge as required, will be reimbursed.
  • Earning through circulation of periodical, which can vary from Rs500 to Rs2500 per month.


  • Tentative duration of fellowship 26th Jan to 26th Nov 2017.
  • Apply by 25th Jan 2017 by filling the form. And send your CV to .
  • Shortlisted candidates will be informed for phone interview during the process.
  • Final result- 27th Jan 2017.

After Selection:

I. First tentative meeting and topics: First week of February.

  • Intro & Idea of TheSabha 

  • Media and Law 

  • Trade Unions 

    • Women trade Unions

    • Others

  • Agriculture Crisis 

  • Definition of economy

  • Social Movements & Collectives 

  • Group Work 

    • Writing and Reporting

    • Website Management and Social Media

    • Trek: Video Making & Photo-essay

    • News Reading

    • Theatre Workshop

    • Communication with Interns and Subscriptions

  1. Second Meeting in May:

  • Each Fellow will decide to cover an issue of his/her interest from local region, and follow it for next six months.

  • The topics to be discussed will be decided by fellows with editor.

    (Traveling charges will be reimbursed and accommodation will be provided.)

Two steps to apply:

Fill Application Form and  send your CV to (can be in hindi or english language).


If anyone (individual or group) wants to sponsor a university student from their state (Rs 3000 per month) or a student wants to volunteer from their state, they can write to or fill this form:

Form to sponsor a university student. For eg. The fellow from Odisha, Sikkim and Pondicherry is funded by an individual.

Please have a look at editorial policy, articles in the website and videos in youtube before applying.

*Editor of The Sabha is responsible for the selection and content of the announcement.

AB Fellowship 2017: Nine fellows were selected and are engaged with The Sabha from their location: Punjab, M.P, Gujrat, Sikkim, Odisha, Pondicherry, Maharashtra

