Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Ambedkar Bhagat Singh National Media Fellowship for university students

AB Fellowship

Journalism in India has freedom movement embedded in it. It was the tool used by many revolutionaries to express their dissent during the freedom struggle.
We often forget the role of Bhagat Singh and Dr. B.R Ambedkar in their important intervention in print media, when they started writing not only for few but masses. To question authorities and communicate to masses they chose not only gathering/sabhas but newspaper as a medium too. While talking with depressed class, they also communicated in the language of oppressors.

At this juncture when revenue model of journalism is entirely dependent on advertisement and we see even the government selling the products on front page of newspapers, we are trying to focus on narratives which does not look human as a sole consumer, whose ultimate purpose of life is to swallow, but as thinking being who can also produce and live without causing destruction, not by competing but through collaborating.

We are listening, reading and watching to views of activists and experts from certain capital dominated region in various media platforms. Through opinion of students from various region, we want to include the diverse young thoughts.This fellowship also wants to engage students who are already thinking and writing about socio-political issues and offer them minimum support available with us.

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